


​​​​​P&C team

President - Merissa Wong

Secretary - Megan Langford

Treasurer - Karen McIver

The P&C Association Executive Team can be contacted through the school at ​(07) 4099 9777 or​

Like us on Facebook - Wonga Beach School P&C to keep up-to-date.

What does the P&C do?

The P&C is about people – people just like you – parents, care givers and community minded people who want to help their school. You work very closely with your school, building a stronger school community, where all children benefit. We also have adopted an emphasis to build a strong Wonga Beach community.

The school has lovely grounds and amazing resources which we would love to share with the community of Wonga.

Community projects

Playgroup: starting a Playgroup on Friday morning 9-11am for babies and pre-school aged children and their parents or carers to attend - please contact school or P&C and show your interest.

Aluminium can collection and recycling: can collection cages are currently in operation at the northern end of the school carpark in the lattice area and at the Wonga Beach Caravan Park (please advise office).

Beach Clean Ups: with Tangaroa Blue and environmental and wildlife talks i.e.turtle talk at school parade.


If you would like to join our P&C please complete a membership form (available from the school office) and attend a meeting. However you can lend a hand without being a member. We are always looking for helping hands on Fridays in the Tuckshop, and your child’s teacher always have things that parents and caregivers can help out with.

Goals and Projects

A major Project for 2020 was providing funds to purchase 3 new interactive whiteboard for 3 classrooms. The P and C contributed $10,000 towards this project, and boards will be ready for use at the start of Term 3 2020.

Our annual Father's Day Stall will be held in Week 8 - the first week of September. This is always popular a​mongst our students whereby they get to go shopping for a 'surprise' gift for dads, grandads, uncles or other special people in their lives.

We are running a Pie and Lamington Fundraiser again, with order forms going home in Week 1 of Term 3. This always proves popular and raises much needed funds for our students.

Keep an eye out for more information regarding our TRIVIA NIGHT in Term 4!

In Brief

Our P&​C members organise various fundraising events annually such as Mother’s Day Stall, Father’s Day and Easter Raffles, Fun Run, Catering at the Small School Sports Carnival, School Working Bees and Gardening Sessions; and Sausage Sizzles

  • Managed and operated the Tuckshop, which provides healthy, varied and value for money menu. The tuckshop is run by community and parent volunteers with ALL profits going toward school resources. Developed a new healthier menu in line with Fresh Tastes in School Strategy. The tuckshop is a member of QAST and all menu items are approved
  • managed the Uniform Shop, which provides quality, value-for-money uniform items and school products. The uniform shop is operated by parent volunteers with profits going toward school resources.
  • represented the school community at various community forums
  • funded bus travel for class excursions each year
  • liaised with Principal and staff about matters concerning parents.
  • subsidised school activities or resources
  • successfully won grants for improved P&C resources and school facilities. Raised many thousands of dollars which were donated to our school to purchase equipment and resources for the benefit of all students
  • oven, fridge and other appliances in the Tuckshop and Staff room.
Last reviewed 19 February 2025
Last updated 19 February 2025